FrontEnd Development

I have skills in HTML and CSS to code for websites and I am able to work with Bootstrap for responsiveness and work with Wordpress as a content management system.

Mobile Development

My fascination for the mobile technology drove me to learn Java and Android programming languages.

Art & Design

I draw and bead as a hobby for the love of Art that further inspired me to start up House of Chao, an Art and Fashion Brand as inspired by nature and culture. I apply my design skills innate and learnt in Graphic Design class when designing the look and feel for websites and mobile applications.







Work experience

Areas I have worked and volunteered with the goal to learn as much as I can so as to gain experience and improve on my skills.

Intern, Front-end Developer

May 2015 – November 2015 (7 months)Bishop Magua Building, Along Ngong Road, Nairobi Kenya

Intern, Android Developer

February 2015 – April 2015 (3 months)Bishop Magua Building, Along Ngong Road, Nairobi Kenya

Medic Mobile
Intern, Desktop Researcher

August 2014 – September 2014 (2 months)Bishop Magua Building, Along Ngong Road, Nairobi Kenya

COYREP(Consolata Youth Rehabilitation Programme)
Volunteer, Receptionist and Digital Filing System Management

April 2014 – April 2014 (1 month)DeepSea, in Westlands, Nairobi Kenya

Call Me
+254 702 280 123